"As iron sharpens iron, so one [wo]man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
By: Regina Parks
I have been working with young people for many years before coming to National Church of God. It has been a blessing to share in the spiritual growth of young people. I have desired to lead young women and to disciple by helping them know their place in the Lord. I believe as one establishes a relationship in Jesus Christ, in return, she leads others to Christ. As a youth leader at my former church, a seed was planted in my heart to begin a young ladies' ministry. As a young girl growing up, I felt I was missing something in the way of connecting with someone to share my thoughts on troubling things and knowing how to express myself in the process. I realized other young girls may have the same concern. Someone shared this statement with me, "Be Who I Needed When I Were Younger". I sought the Lord on how to begin and form the ministry. I prepared the outline, which consisted of the vision and mission for the ministry. It was not until several years later that the ministry came into fruition.
In 2013, the Young Women of Purpose Mentoring and Discipleship became a reality. I wanted young girls to have a place to feel safe and comfortable to share their life challenges and issues. As a mentor, I encourage the ladies to make Jesus Christ their number one priority. The ministry focus is to give guidance and direction to young ladies in dealing with life's challenges. The goal is to help them make wise choices based on biblical principles. The ministry's vision is to impart spiritual wisdom and share life skills and experiences that assist young ladies in fulfilling their God-given purposes.
Mentoring is a significant part of the ministry. Our mentors are responsible for reinforcing the monthly sessions and helping the mentee to apply the biblical principles in her current life's experiences. Also, our mentors develop a relationship with the mentees. Our mentors allow the mentee to feel comfortable sharing and expressing her feelings and know the conversation is kept confidential. Our motto is TIME (Teach, Inspire, Motivate and Encourage). The time we make with our mentees can make a difference in their lives.
As the Director, the ministry has been a blessing to me. It allows me to share my life's experiences and encourage the importance of having a relationship with God. As we share, we see the impact it has not only in our lives, but also in others. Also, it allows me the opportunity to teach our young leaders how to be leaders. The young ladies learn that God has equipped them with what they need to do the task He has assigned to them.